Civil Partnerships

If a Civil Partnership breaks down

Civil Partnerships allow same-sex couples largely the same legal rights as those conferred by marriage. The Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Act 2013 extended marriage to same-sex couples. Civil partnerships are still available and civil partners have the option of converting their partnership into a marriage. In most respects, a civil partnership operates in a similar way to a marriage:

  • The court can make similar orders to those it can make in respect of a marriage, eg dissolution (ie divorce), nullity and separation orders.
  • Parental responsibility can be acquired by the civil partner of a parent, and he/she can apply for a Child Arrangements Order.
  • Financial provision, pension and property adjustment orders, equivalent to those which can be made on the breakdown of a marriage, can be made on the breakdown of a civil partnership.

Would you like more information?

If you wish to discuss civil partnerships or any other matters relating to your relationship, then telephone us on 01332 293 293 or contact us online to arrange to meet one of our solicitors. We give an initial 30-minute consultation free of charge.

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We provide an initial 30 minute consultation free of charge. Please complete the form below and we will be intouch.


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